Now that we're in the throes of a bitterly cold winter, we're dealing with an onset of nose bleeds among the males in the house. The two females are tougher and not prone to them. Hey, it's my story, and I'll tell it like it is.
Consequently, I saw the need to pull out the humidifier. The only problem is that it was tucked away in the laundry room, and I never could remember to pull it out. Yesterday, I had made a comment to C that I needed to get it up and running and put it back in his room. For quite awhile, the boys used it at nap and bedtime for white noise, and they couldn't sleep without it. I guess that must have been winter before last, because T had no memory of it.
Anyway, last night when we returned home from Church, C asked me again if I could get it out. By this time, it was way late and past his bedtime. I told him I'd get it out and see how bad of shape it was in and if I had a filter for it. Of course, it was extremely dusty, and I was all out of filters. I honestly didn't think I could even find the filters anymore. I told him to go on to sleep and that I'd try to fix it tomorrow. I, then, left it on the kitchen counter.
This morning, after taking M and C to school, T and I came home for him to get breakfast. He decided he needed to sit in his "hitachair", which I swear I'm going to toss in the garbage every week and somehow don't. I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with the fact that all 3 of my babies have used it, and that would mean no other babies will ever have need for it.
While sitting there, he said, "Cold, Mama, turn fire on." I thought he was referring to the fireplace and told him that since we were in the kitchen, turning the fireplace on wouldn't help him get warm. Admittedly, it was a great idea, since it was a balmy 5 degrees this morning, and I was still wearing my coat.
He repeats it again. And I, again, tell him that I'm not going to turn the fireplace on while we're in the kitchen, and that I'll do it later, when we're in the living room.
By this point, he's getting really frustrated with me. "No, Mama, the white one!"
This completely confuses me. Then I think that he's referring to the white oven, because I leave the oven door open after it's been on. So, I tell him no, I'm not going to turn the oven on either.
This is where he loses all patience with his Mama. He says in a very frustrated scream while pointing, "No, Mama, the WHITE one!"
Fortunately, I had turned around to face him and saw where he was pointing. I believe I saw the light bulb go on.
He was pointing to the humidiFIRE on the kitchen counter!! He had remembered me saying what it was called, but he couldn't remember what it did.
Fashion Friday: Maybe you’ve heard I had a book come out this week
Yes, in case you missed it, my new book Here Be Dragons officially launched
out into the world on Tuesday so I’m a little tired. In fact, I debated
doing F...
2 days ago
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