Thursday, August 28, 2008

May I Make A Suggestion?

On those days you find yourself needing a hit of chocolate, but don't have the time to make, or don't need, a whole pan of brownies, might I suggest keeping a supply of Betty Crocker Warm Delights Minis, Molten Chocolate Cake, on hand?
They're surprisingly easy to make and quite tasty.
Plus, they're only 150 calories, and if you should feel the need/have to share some with a child or two, you can have all the pleasure with a lot less guilt.
That's the beauty of having children.
All those nutritional guidelines about caloric count?
Cut them in half, or in my case, fourths!
Which begs me to ask the question, then why am I so much bigger now than before I had children? I guess it's one of those mysteries of the universe we're not meant to understand.
Oh, and if you're a little OC about collecting Box Tops for school, like someone I know, I won't mention any names. It's to protect the innocent, or is it the guilty? But, if you know someone like that, these have one of those, too.
So, I'm really eating to support the school system.
Yeah, that’s it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Let me apologize for my absence. I had NO intention of being gone so long.
At first, it involved a technical difficulty. I had planned to post C's first day of Kindergarten pictures on his first day, but seeing as how I'm still shooting film and our only 1 hour photo lab was down, that did not happen.
So, I asked Hubby if he'd kindly take the film to town the next day and get it developed there. He willing agreed, but his schedule, not so much.
Then, a few days later when I finally remembered them again, I returned to our 1 hour photo lab only to find out it was still down.
Really, how long does it take?!
I guess here in podunk town, a very long time.
All of that to say, I still haven't gotten those pictures developed. I figure, at this rate, I might have them done by the time he goes to Jr High.
I can hope.
So, that's how it started. Then, as I fed my blogging addiction, I got a little insecure. I know I don't write near as eloquently and thought provokingly(if that's even a word) as a whole lot of bloggers I read. And, I figured, what the hay.
Yeah, I have a little OCD in me, and I'm a little bit , ok a whole lot, competitive. If I can't be the best, why bother?!
And I stopped writing.
Basically, giving up.
That's my HUGE downfall. I know I need to be persistent, but I'm Queen of the Do Overs. Have been all my life. I believe it has something to do with being first born and all.
Now, at 37 years young, I'm trying to overcome it. I'm getting back on the horse and pressing onward.
I'll continue to write and post, if for nothing else, my sanity or lack there of. Because one day, my kids will be able to read these and know why their Mother is sitting in a padded room, banging her head against the wall, and drooling all over herself.
For now, I have lots of posts to compose, and I promise to do that real soon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Remaining Hours

It’s finally quiet here. The bath has been given, the teeth brushed, and the pj’s on. The lunch has been made. The new clothes, that were so carefully chosen, have been laid out for tomorrow. All the paperwork is filled out and put in his “take home” folder. And the folder and rest towel are in his backpack.

Everything is ready for his big day.

So, why am I feeling so sad? As much as I’m ready for a small break, with only one child at home, I’m terribly sad to see my middle child go.

It doesn’t seem like that many days ago, yet alone years ago, that I was struggling to get him potty trained. He was not going to do it, for anything. He’d scream, “Put my diaper on!” And mind you, he wasn’t 18 months old, like his sister. He was 3 years and 1 month old! It was time!

I was beginning to see just how strong willed he is. And part of me wishes I could say it’s gotten better, but it hasn’t. He’s still a study in contradiction. One minute he is hugging me and giving me such sweet loving. And the next, he is terrorizing his brother, D dog or both.

Yet, he’s such a wonderful helper and so eager to help his Mommy. He beams with pride when carrying in heavy loads of groceries, a 12 pack of Diet Coke with Lime on his shoulder and 2 sacks of groceries in his other hand. And he becomes furious with me if I even suggest that he lighten his load. He so desires to be strong like his Daddy.

He loves to sit in my lap and listen to me read or to just watch a little tv. He’s a Momma’s boy, but only in the sweetest way.

Up until yesterday, we’d read his chosen Bible story before nap and again at bedtime. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read Samson or David and Goliath, just two of his favorites.

However, many times I have wished that he would let Daddy do the honors, but he’d always want his Momma. It was our time. I’d read, he’d ask his 100 questions, and then I’d tuck him in and say his night-night prayers. Lastly, we’d hug and kiss, which usually involved a, “One more hug and kiss, Momma.”

And that’s been our routine at nap and bedtime, almost every day, for years. Now, we’ll only have it at bedtime.

But I’ll take that. I really like the idea of baby steps right now.

I know logically that he’ll be just fine tomorrow. But his nervous nature causes me a little concern. He’s my most nervous child. He’s way too concerned about everything. And I’m not sure if he’s more worried, about this whole school thing, than his sister or if he just vocalizes his concerns more.

He has asked so many questions over the last couple of days. The last questions before bedtime involved just when he would need to raise his hand. He’s used to yelling, “Momma, Momma!” Usually repeatedly at a rapid rate, until I respond. I believe this might be a legitimate concern.

He’s, also, quite concerned about this “rest” time thing. He does not understand how he can lie on a towel, on the floor, in a classroom with a bunch of other kids, without a pillow or something to cover up with, because, “Mommy, I’ll be cold.”, and take a nap. I wonder how Mrs. Combs will feel if we come to class tomorrow with his pillow and blankie? Will he have room in his cubby?

In the morning, I’ll proudly walk him to his room and point out the bathroom on the way, because another great concern of his is, “Why are the bathrooms in the hall?” He’s used to his Church rooms having bathrooms in every room. This baffles him.

And when the time comes for me to leave, I’ll hug and kiss him one more time, smile real big, turn at the door to wave bye (both to him and his childish innocence), and walk to my car with tears rolling down my cheeks, fully aware that I only have a few short years before I must repeat this, for the final time.

But right now, I’m going to go kiss his angelic, sleeping face and breathe in his sweetness. Because for a few more minutes, he’s home with me!

The Price

A Cool New Backpack: $25

A Speed Racer Lunchbox: $7

New Nike Tennis Shoes: $45
(Like our Daddy’s)

School Supplies: $20

The Middle Child in Kindergarten: PRICELESS
(And a break from his 500 daily questions)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

All in a day

Just for my record and to let you know what a day in my life can look like. Here’s a brief outline of T's activities for today.

We’ll start with one that isn’t actually detrimental to his health or well being. If Daddy gives you a bottle of Powerade, where do you pour it? Into the doggie’s water dish, of course. (Side note, dogs don’t care much for it.)

And after Mommy dumps out the Powerade and refills the dish with water, he proceeds to pour all of the doggie’s Kibbles ‘n Bits into said water. Fun, fun.

While Mommy is doing something very worthwhile on the computer (ok, I was feeding my blogging addiction, but a girl needs to laugh a little, doesn’t she?), he goes into his room and pulls down his brother’s little crayon bank and grabs Mommy’s wallet out of her purse. So that he can lighten Mommy’s load a little by cleaning out my change purse and putting the coinage into “his” bank. How very thoughtful of him!

Shortly after I clean up all the coins he’s spilled out of “his” bank, I hear a funny sound coming from his mouth, and since I know I haven’t given him anything to eat, I pry open his mouth to discover he’s shoved 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and 3 pennies into his little mouth all at once! Oh my goodness! And as I’m getting onto him and telling him how dirty money is, etc., he’s smiling and laughing. What’s wrong with this picture? I really was using my stern Mommy voice.

Then this evening, Hubby yells at me from the living room to ask if I’ve given him some Coke. What? Do I look that crazy to you? Hold on, don’t answer that. Anyway, it seems that T had found the left over Coke in the frig and had climbed up onto the cabinet to get himself a sippy cup, poured the Coke into it, and put the top on all by himself. Oh, and apparently, he spilled some of it, but he was nice enough to clean it up off the floor with my kitchen towel. And the reason I know this is, because I found the towel still on the floor covered in brown liquid. He’s certainly our most independent child!

And then, I guess he got all sugared and caffeined up, and decided to have some real fun. Because this is what I hear, Hubby telling T to get down right now!! Young man, get down now! T, get down off the chandelier right now! Yep, he decided to swing from the dining room chandelier! That’s definitely a new one for him!

Yes, that’s just all in a day for him!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Doggie Saga Continues

So, I told you on Monday that our dear D dog started feeling bad.
Well, on Tuesday, he still wasn't eating or drinking.
I called the vet, and she said they were booked until around 4 pm. When I asked if he'd be ok until then, because it's 9:30 in the morning, it's the middle of Summer, and he hasn't had anything to drink in 2 days, she says I can bring him in before 12, and they'd take a look at him when they could.
I thought that was the best idea. However, I did, momentarily, think, "What am I going to do if something happens to him while he's there?" "Will they really look after him?"
I quickly got over that and started getting everyone ready. After I showered, D dog goes into the bathroom and takes a long drink of water, his first in 2 days. Well, maybe Hubby is right, and he just had a 48 hour virus that he's now getting over. And with that, I stop all of the "getting ready" process.
Then, around 1:30pm, he starts throwing up again. Guess we're off to the vet after all.
Knowing that I couldn't get him in until after 4 pm, I put the boys down for a quick nap.
I should have known better.
C, absolutely, can not go to sleep right away, no matter what time he goes down. And, today, T refused to go down any faster. They got about 30 minutes of their nap. And if you read Monday's post, you know what that means.
When it's time to go, I open the door and tell D dog, "Let's go!" And even though it's been some time since he's gone anywhere in my mommy mobile, he runs to it and jumps right in.
Hmmm! Doesn't look too sick to me.
At the vet's office, he continues to look just fine as we patiently wait for 45 minutes while he barks at all the other dogs, and tries to break free to go and "play" with them.
It's, finally, our turn, and the vet takes a quick look at his ears and eyes and tells me they look great, and then, tells me his gums aren't tacky, which is a sign of dehydration.
That's good.
But, then, he says something that stuns me. "I hope you didn't wait too long."
Is he going to die?
I knew I shouldn't have listened to Hubby on this. Mother's intuition is ALWAYS best.
However, when I don't answer, he re-words it. "I hope you didn't wait too long in the waiting room."
Shoo! I was really sweating that for a minute.
Now that my heart's finally starting to beat normal again, he feels around on his belly and says it feels a little tight. He asks to take an x-ray to see what's going on.
After I agree, he brings it back to show me that D dog is very FOS (full of stool), and says he looks like he's about to have some MAJOR diarrhea. And he, also, looks to have some kind of intestinal obstruction.
He suggests that D stay with him overnight to receive some IV fluids and some anti-biotics.
He asks if that's ok.
OK?! You've just told me that D's about to have MAJOR diarrhea, and we have a 30 minute ride home, and you think I want to take him home with me and risk a serious accident in my mommy mobile or on my patterned Berber carpet?
Of course I'm ok with that!
In fact, don't send him home until he gets rid of that load.
Do you think I'm being selfish?!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hubby's "new" business

I’m just glad I’m not the jealous type. Well, maybe I am just a little bit. You would be, too, if you were married to such a hunk.
Anyway, it seems my husband has started a secondary business, as if his first one doesn't already keep him way too busy. He’s now a match maker. Yep, that’s right. Mr. Manly Man is playing match maker.
And, it really shouldn’t surprise me, or anyone who knows him, because Hubby never meets a stranger. Everyone he meets loves him. Just one of the many reasons I fell head over heels in love with him. He has a wonderful, outgoing personality, and he loves to help people. Therefore, it’s just natural for him to be in this “second” business.
Yesterday, he calls me to relay this info. He’s currently doing some work for a divorced mother of an 8 year old. And while he’s there, he asks if she’s currently seeing anyone.
Wait, stop right there!
This is where most women would have a coronary!
And to be truthful, I did!
I start hyperventalilating and quickly ask him, “Ummm, just exactly how did you mean that?” He realizes my distress and says, “No, no, honey! I was asking for M.”
Oh, that’s good.
She says that’s funny he should ask, because she was getting ready to ask him if he had any buddies who were bachelors and might be interested in going out. It seems that she and Hubby get along well.
Isn't that nice?!
Like I said, I’m glad I’m not the jealous type.
He tells her he actually does have a buddy she might be interested in. He gives her M’s info and leaves the ball in her court.
I’m anxious to see how this plays out, because, really, we could use an extra stream of income!
I’m just a little concerned, because, although M is a wonderful guy, he’s nothing like Hubby. We’ve known M for 3 ½ years, and he’s truly great. He’s just not the outgoing type that Hubby is. For all of Hubby’s gregariousness, M is quiet and reserved.
M has impeccable taste, and if you didn’t know better, you’d swear his home belonged to a gay man.
Yes, I said it.
And you know it’s true.
I’d love to live in it. In fact, I’ve offered to do it on several occasions. He just hasn’t taken me up on it, yet.
But I’m patient.
So, that’s the first match he made this week. Yes, I said first, because shortly after, Hubby gets a call from a client who owns a hair salon. It seems that he has a client who does very well for herself, but who’s looking for a little love and companionship. He, too, wonders if Hubby knows anyone who might be interested. Crazy!!!
Who would’ve thought Hubby would have gotten 2 chances in one week to fix up a friend? I know, I still can’t believe it.
However, Hubby just so happens to have another buddy who just might be interested!
I think we might have something here! I can hear the wedding bells ringing and the sound of Kaching!
Maybe Hubby stumbled upon his true calling!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Just one of THOSE days!

It was one of those days! And a Monday to boot! I wanted a glass of wine by 8:30 a.m.! And the boys and I didn’t even get out of bed until 10:00. But had I known just how bad this day was going to be, I would have wanted one at 8:30.
Instead, I waited until 2:30 (well, 2:26 to be exact). It’s one of the many benefits of being a SAH mom. And, along with consuming large amounts of chocolate and Blue Bell’s ice cream, I highly recommend it for helping you maintain your sanity, if not your figure.
But I digress…
So, I know you’re thinking, “You didn’t get out of bed until 10:00? How in the world could that be the start of a bad day?”
Well, let me tell you. The sins of the weekend catch up with you on Monday! What sins did I commit this weekend, you ask? It’s called not keeping our usual naps! Yes Mam, boys 1 and 2 got a much shortened version of a nap on Saturday. And on Sunday, we were at the grandparent’s house. Nuff said? And while there, boy 1 got a “special” treat and was allowed to go to work with Daddy for awhile, which equals no nap! However, boy 2 and I did get a nap. So, I’m not real sure where his moodiness came from. It must have been sympathy moodiness.
But back to this morning and how it all started. Boy 1 was up coloring when boy 2 and I came out of the bedroom. Everything seemed fine. Until, boy 1 opened his mouth! And that’s when I knew this wasn’t going to be a very happy day. It became, quickly apparent, that we were about to have one of those days when EVERYTHING comes out of his mouth in that irritating to no end whiney voice! You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? I was ready to put him down for a nap by 10:30!
Now I’m dealing with the king of all whiners, when I notice the dog is not interested in eating his Kibbles n Bits. Warning sirens start going off in my head. Then I think, maybe Hubby fed him before he left this morning. Because I am nothing if not an Optimist. Quick call to Hubby quickly eliminates that possibility. Not good. The dog is more interested in sleeping this morning than usual. It’s then that I notice what I believe to be slobber on the kitchen floor, but when I clean it up it’s a yellowish color. Really not good. I, then, notice another puddle in the living room. And as I stated earlier, I try to be positive whenever I can and think to myself, well maybe that’s the end of that, he got it out of his system, and now we’re good. Right? Wrong! A little while later, I start hearing the sound. Yes, THAT sound, which means prepare for dog barf! Fortunately, he’s in the kitchen and not on the carpet, because I really hate it when I have to drag him from the carpet onto the hard floor! Ok, I’m really not that bad, but yah I’ve been known to do that a few times, and you would too if you had patterned Berber carpet! But again, I digress, back to the story. Anyway, to give you the condensed version, the dog barfs, at least, 5 more times through out the day. He’s never barfed that much in one day before. He was just fine when we went to bed last night. Who can figure out a dog’s stomach? Not me. I feel a trip to the vet coming.
And just in case you’re wondering, yes, at least 2 of those times did indeed happen on the Berber carpet. Now I’m no psychic or anything, but I see a trip to rent a carpet shampooer in my very near future. After, the trip to the vet, of course.
So, the whole time this doggy drama is playing out, the boys are continuing their usual noise making and mayhem. It’s then that I decide to make the completely unreasonable request, and I really should have known better, than to ask boy 1 to clean his toys up so I could do something crazy like clean! Yes, after all these years, I should indeed know better, but I didn’t. Call me a slow learner. So, I encourage all of you to learn from my sins, I mean mistakes. Don’t ever ask a whiny 5 year old to clean up his toys; unless, of course, you want to hear 4 hours of whining and crying and general carrying on.
After 4 and 1/2 hours of such commotion, I had the brilliant idea of letting the toys and kitchen paraphernalia stay just where they were, all over the living room and kitchen floor, and letting Daddy see them when he got home; because when boy 1 was supposedly “cleaning” up his toys, he and his brother decided to unload two of my kitchen drawers. The ones that contain the 2 million cookie cutters we never use and all sorts of measuring cups and funnels and such. So, these are now all over my kitchen. But as quickly as I had this thought, I regretted it, because dad gum it those cookie cutters hurt like the dickens when you step on them!
Now, I’m praying that the Lord will give me some real wisdom in how to handle this whole issue. Because I’m tired of crying and stepping on cookie cutters and crying some more for goodness sake!
Anyone care to join me for a dozen Lindor truffles followed by a chaser of a quart of Blue Bell’s Southern Blackberry Cobbler?
And, then, we can all go join Emotional Eaters Anonymous. Won’t that be fun? I wonder if we’ll see Oprah there.

Car talk

A little snippet from our car conversation on the way to the middle child's Kindergarten meet and greet picnic.

Hubby: C, what's your teacher's name?

C: (shrugs) I don't know.

Me: It's Mrs. Combs.

After a brief pause.

C: Oh, it's Mrs. Brushes!

snicker, snicker

Like I said, it's going to be an interesting year.

Hubby's gift

I feel the need to set the record straight. In this house, Hubby does the cooking. And there's a very good reason for that. No, it's not because I'm a lazy couch potato, but then again, that could very well be part of it. It's because I am extremely anal. I am the reason they created recipes.
Hubby finds it comical to watch me in the kitchen. And he thinks it's downright hysterical to watch me make a box of Kraft Mac n Cheese. Yes, it does matter that the macaroni be cooked in exactly 2 cups of boiling water. Why? I don't know. Other than that, I'm just a good rule follower.
So, Hubby has this extraordinary gift that I feel the need to celebrate every night. Isn't that what we're supposed to do with someone's gifts? Anyway, he has this ability to go to the refrigerator, pull a few things out, and then go to the cabinets and do the same, and it doesn't really matter whether the things appear to go together or not, he then turns them into a feast fit for a King, or a Queen, in my case.
But you see, I don't have this gift. Because, even if the items appear to go together, when I get done, the dog won't even eat it.
Now, Baking, that's a whole other issue. Because, you really do need to measure exactly and follow a recipe, then. Have you ever tried to wing it with the yeast or baking powder? I rest my case.
But don't think for a minute that I get off footloose and fancy free. Because I am on permanent kp duty. And let me tell you, there's a whole lot of mess making when Hubby is having to be so creative. You know how artists' are, don't you? No offense, but they're not known for their, shall we say, "cleanliness"?
And that brings me to last night's kitchen catastrophe. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does. Well, look out! Sometime during his creativity, he got distracted. No, I didn't parade through in my Victoria's Secret nightie with my stilletos on. That only happens on the second Thursday of every week or once in a blue moon, whichever comes first.
His distraction might have happened when the kids were running amock, and I was nowhere to be found. That's just a guess. What I do know, however, is that somewhere along the way, Hubby forgot to turn down the rice he was making. He kind of left it on hi for a little too long. And my first clue came when I ate my first bite of rice. It tasted a little smokey, if you know what I mean.

But I know my Hubby's fragile ego and didn't want to say anything. I learned a long time ago that if I even hinted about not liking something he prepared, I'd be cooking for the next several weeks, and I wasn't about to let that happen again.
However, after a few bites, I politely and ever so kindly asked him if something had happened to the rice. That's when he told me that he just might have forgotten to turn the temperature down.
But I didn't realize the severity of his mishap until my clean up duties began. I'll just say that the bottom 1/4 of the pan was burned to a crisp. It was so burned that when I added water to the pot it instantly turned brown and smelled like burned coffee. It's a good thing I have a cast iron stomach, because after letting it soak for awhile, it still smelled like burned coffee, except with the rice puffing up, it now looked like a pot full of maggots and burned coffee. YUCK!
Well, fortunately, I get a break from kp duty tonight. We'll be having a picnic dinner at the middle child's, soon to be, home away from home. He starts Kindergarten in a little less than 2 weeks. Don't get me started. There will be a whole lot of Kleenex involved. So, we'll all go and meet his teacher, for the next 2 years, she loops, and his soon to be fellow classmates.
And I'll get some relief from burned coffee and maggots, at least for tonight.